


發(fā)布人:http://m.ryublack.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-02-27 19:44:59


The installation time of a circular duct system is only one-third of that of a similar rectangular duct. The principle for solving the collision and coordination of various fire smoke exhaust ducts is generally: "Small pipes give way to large pipes, and pressure gives way to no pressure.". For example, if the water pipe collides with the air pipe, the water pipe should be turned. If the cold and hot water pipes collide with the drainage pipe, the cold and hot water pipes should be changed.



With the development of industry and the expansion of production, ventilation duct systems have become an indispensable part of large factories, shopping malls, workshops, hospitals, office buildings and other places. The function of ventilation ducts is to clear the air, thereby reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the space and accelerating air circulation in the space. When using natural ventilation to discharge harmful substances, local exhaust should be used first. When the building does not meet the ventilation conditions, the ventilation duct will adopt comprehensive exhaust. Mainly used for connecting steel plate circular air ducts and spiral air ducts. Roll up the drum shaped reinforcement at both ends of each pipe section and shrink one end into a small hole. During installation, insert into the large opening according to the direction of air flow. The drum hoops at both ends are tightly connected to the steel hoops and secured by the middle bolts.


The mold for imported stainless steel ventilation pipes uses a special steel structure. Even after three to five years of use, the shape of the restricted mold remains unchanged, so as not to damage the appearance of the galvanized steel plate, and the appearance is greatly extended. The service life of the air duct is uniform and flat, with tight bite, strong connection force, and good sealing performance. Safety valve leakage prevention system. The exquisite spiral ribbed process ensures that stainless steel pipes have good compressive strength. After adding ribs, the thickness of the bite is four times the diameter of the tube. The high stiffness of the pipeline demonstrates the superiority of reinforcement. Can withstand increased pressure loads without damage, reduce material thickness by 15%, and thus reduce costs.


A circular pipe with a diameter of 200mm in the same equipment space can replace a rectangular pipe with a diameter of 250x150mm without increasing any pressure drop. Multiple parallel circular pipes can replace flat rectangular pipes without increasing device space. Taking into account various factors, in most cases, circular pipes occupy less space than rectangular pipes.


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