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  4風(fēng)管安裝4.1 一般規(guī)定4.1.1 風(fēng)管系統(tǒng)的安裝宜在施工區(qū)域建筑圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)施工完畢、安裝部位和操作場所清理后進(jìn)行。

  4. Installation of Air Ducts 4.1 General Provisions 4.1.1 The installation of the air duct system should be carried out after the completion of the construction of the building enclosure structure in the construction area, and after the cleaning of the installation site and operating area.



  The purification duct system should be installed after the installation site has been completed on the ground, the wall surface construction process has been completed, there is no flying dust or dust prevention measures indoors, and it can meet the requirements of primary purification. The miscellaneous dust generated during the installation process should be cleaned up in a timely manner and ensured to meet the requirements of primary purification. When installing, the pipe mouth should be closed.

  4.1.2 風(fēng)管安裝前應(yīng)完成風(fēng)管位置、標(biāo)高、走向的測量、定位:放線及技術(shù)復(fù)核,且符合設(shè)計(jì)要求。建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的預(yù)留孔洞位置應(yīng)正確,孔洞應(yīng)大于風(fēng)管外邊尺寸100mm或以上。

  Before installing the air duct, the measurement and positioning of the position, elevation, and direction of the air duct should be completed, including laying out and technical review, and meet the design requirements. The reserved hole position of the building structure should be correct, and the hole should be 100mm or more larger than the outer size of the air duct.

  4.1.3 搬運(yùn)風(fēng)管應(yīng)防止碰、撬、摔造成其機(jī)械損傷,安裝時(shí)不應(yīng)攀登倚靠風(fēng)管。

  4.1.3 When handling air ducts, precautions should be taken to prevent mechanical damage caused by collision, prying, or falling. During installation, do not climb or lean against the air ducts.

  4.1.4 風(fēng)管安裝前應(yīng)對其外觀進(jìn)行質(zhì)量檢查,并其內(nèi)外表面粉塵及管內(nèi)雜物。安裝中途停頓時(shí),應(yīng)將風(fēng)管端口封閉。

  Before installing the air duct, its appearance should be inspected for quality, and the dust on its inner and outer surfaces and debris inside the duct should be removed. When there is a pause during installation, the air duct port should be closed.

  4.1.5 風(fēng)管接口不得安裝在墻內(nèi)或樓板內(nèi),風(fēng)管沿墻體或樓板安裝時(shí),距墻面不宜小于200mm:距樓板宜大于150mm。

  4.1.5 The air duct interface shall not be installed inside the wall or floor. When the air duct is installed along the wall or floor, the distance from the wall should not be less than 200mm, and the distance from the floor should be greater than 150mm.

  4.1.6 安裝在易燃、易爆環(huán)境或輸送含有易燃、易爆氣體的風(fēng)管系統(tǒng)應(yīng)設(shè)置可靠的防靜電接地裝置;輸送含有易燃、易爆氣體的風(fēng)管系統(tǒng)應(yīng)在通過生活區(qū)或其他輔助生產(chǎn)房間外部設(shè)置接口。

  4.1.6 Reliable anti-static grounding devices should be installed for air duct systems installed in flammable and explosive environments or transporting flammable and explosive gases; The air duct system transporting flammable and explosive gases should have interfaces installed outside the living area or other auxiliary production rooms.

  4.1.7 風(fēng)管穿過封閉的防火、防爆的墻體或樓板時(shí),應(yīng)設(shè)置鋼制防護(hù)套管,防護(hù)套管厚度不小于1.6mm,風(fēng)管與防護(hù)套管之間應(yīng)采用不燃柔性材料封堵嚴(yán)密。穿墻套管與墻體兩面平齊、穿樓板套管底端與樓板底面平齊,頂端應(yīng)高出樓板面30mm。

  4.1.7 When air ducts pass through enclosed fire-resistant or explosion-proof walls or floors, steel protective sleeves should be installed with a thickness of not less than 1.6mm. Non combustible flexible materials should be used to seal tightly between the air ducts and the protective sleeves. The wall sleeve should be flush with both sides of the wall, and the bottom end of the floor sleeve should be flush with the bottom surface of the floor. The top end should be 30mm higher than the floor surface.

  4.1.8 風(fēng)管安裝還符合下列規(guī)定:1 風(fēng)管內(nèi)不應(yīng)有其他管線穿越。2 不應(yīng)利用避雷針或避雷網(wǎng)作為室外風(fēng)管系統(tǒng)拉索的金屬固定件。3 輸送空氣溫度高于80℃的風(fēng)管應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)定采取可靠的防護(hù)措施。

  4.1.8 The installation of air ducts shall also comply with the following regulations: 1. There shall be no other pipelines passing through the air ducts. 2. Lightning rods or lightning protection nets should not be used as metal fasteners for outdoor air duct system cables. 3. Air ducts that transport air with a temperature higher than 80 ℃ should take safe and reliable protective measures according to design regulations.

  4.1.9 風(fēng)管與建筑結(jié)構(gòu)風(fēng)道的連接接口,應(yīng)順氣流方向插入,并應(yīng)采取密封措施。

  The connection interface between the air duct and the building structure air duct should be inserted in the direction of airflow and sealed.

  4.1.10 輸送產(chǎn)生凝結(jié)水或含蒸氣的潮濕空氣風(fēng)管,安裝坡度應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)要求,并應(yīng)在管底處設(shè)置帶封堵的泄水管口。風(fēng)管底部不宜設(shè)置拼接縫,拼接縫處應(yīng)做密封處理。

  4.1.10 For damp air ducts that produce condensed water or steam during transportation, the installation slope should be in accordance with the design requirements, and a sealed drain pipe should be installed at the lowest point of the pipe bottom. The bottom of the air duct should not have joint seams, and the joint seams should be sealed.

  4.1.11 風(fēng)管(不包括獨(dú)立的排煙系統(tǒng))與風(fēng)機(jī)、風(fēng)機(jī)箱、空氣處理機(jī)等設(shè)備相連處,應(yīng)設(shè)置柔性短管,其長度為150mm~300mm或按設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)定。柔性短管不應(yīng)作為找正、找平的異徑連接管。管穿越結(jié)構(gòu)變形縫墻體的兩側(cè),應(yīng)設(shè)置滿足系統(tǒng)功能長度為150mm~300mm的柔性短管,距離墻體宜為150mm~200mm。

  4.1.11 Flexible short pipes with a length of 150mm~300mm or as specified in the design should be installed at the connection between air ducts (excluding independent smoke exhaust systems) and equipment such as fans, fan cases, and air handling units. Flexible short pipes should not be used as reducing connecting pipes for alignment and leveling. Flexible short pipes with a functional length of 150mm~300mm should be installed on both sides of the deformation joint wall of the pipe passing through the structure, and the distance from the wall should be 150mm~200mm.

  4.1.12 風(fēng)管測定孔應(yīng)設(shè)置在不產(chǎn)生渦流區(qū)的便于測量和觀察的部位;吊頂內(nèi)的風(fēng)管測定孔部位,應(yīng)留出活動吊頂板或檢查門。

  4.1.12 The air duct measuring hole should be set in a location that does not generate eddy currents and is convenient for measurement and observation; The location of the air duct measurement hole in the ceiling should leave a movable ceiling panel or inspection door.

  4.1.13 風(fēng)管安裝偏差應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:1 明裝水平風(fēng)管水平度偏差不得大于3mm/m,總偏差不得大于 20mm。2 明裝垂直風(fēng)管垂直度偏差不得大于2mm/m,總偏差不得大于 20mm。3 暗裝風(fēng)管位置應(yīng)正確,無明顯偏差。

  4.1.13 The installation deviation of air ducts shall comply with the following regulations: 1. The horizontal deviation of exposed horizontal air ducts shall not exceed 3mm/m, and the total deviation shall not exceed 20mm. The verticality deviation of 2 exposed vertical air ducts shall not exceed 2mm/m, and the total deviation shall not exceed 20mm. The position of the concealed air duct should be correct without any significant deviation.

  4.1.14 風(fēng)管安裝使用可調(diào)隔振支吊架時(shí),應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)的要求調(diào)整隔振支吊架的拉伸或壓縮量。

  When using adjustable vibration isolation supports and hangers for air duct installation, the tension or compression of the vibration isolation supports and hangers should be adjusted according to the design requirements.

  4.1.15 電加熱器前后800mm及防火閥兩側(cè)2000mm范圍內(nèi)的風(fēng)管應(yīng)采用不燃材料制作。

  The air ducts within a range of 800mm before and after the electric heater and 2000mm on both sides of the fire damper should be made of non combustible materials.

  4.1.16 非金屬及復(fù)合材料風(fēng)管支管的重量不得由干管承受,風(fēng)管所用的金屬附件和部件應(yīng)做防腐處理。

  4.1.16 The weight of non-metallic and composite material air duct branches shall not be borne by the main pipe, and the metal accessories and components used in the air duct shall be treated with anti-corrosion.

  4.1.17 非金屬柔性風(fēng)管應(yīng)遠(yuǎn)離熱源設(shè)備安裝。

  4.1.17 Non metallic flexible air ducts should be installed away from heat source equipment.

  4.1.18 安裝部位應(yīng)無障礙物,操作場地應(yīng)整潔,通道應(yīng)完善、暢通,安裝用的腳手架及防護(hù)應(yīng)無隱患。

  4.1.18 The installation site should be free of obstacles, the operating site should be clean, the safety passage should be complete and unobstructed, and the scaffolding and safety protection used for installation should have no safety hazards.

  4.2 支吊架制作與安裝

  4.2 Production and installation of supports and hangers

  4.2.1 風(fēng)管支吊架的固定件、吊桿、橫擔(dān)和所有配件材料應(yīng)符合其載荷額定值和應(yīng)用參數(shù)的要求。

  4.2.1 The fixing parts, suspension rods, cross arms, and all accessory materials of the air duct support and hanger should meet the requirements of their load rating and application parameters.

  4.2.2 風(fēng)管支吊架制作應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:

  4.2.2 The production of air duct supports and hangers shall comply with the following regulations:

  1 支吊架的形式和規(guī)格應(yīng)符合本規(guī)程或按有關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)圖集、規(guī)范選用,并應(yīng)符合設(shè)計(jì)要求,直徑大于2000mm或邊長大于2500mm的超寬、超重特殊風(fēng)管的支吊架應(yīng)按設(shè)計(jì)要求執(zhí)行

  The form and specifications of the support and hanger should comply with this regulation or be selected according to relevant standard drawings and specifications, and should meet the design requirements. The support and hanger of special air ducts with a diameter greater than 2000mm or a side length greater than 2500mm that are extra wide or extra heavy should be executed according to the design requirements

  2 支吊架的下料宜采用機(jī)械加工,采用電氣焊切割后,應(yīng)對切割口進(jìn)行打磨處理;不得采用電氣焊開孔或擴(kuò)孔。

  The cutting of 2 hangers should be done by mechanical processing, and after cutting with electrical welding, the cutting edge should be polished; Electrical welding for opening or expanding holes is not allowed.

  3 吊桿應(yīng)平直,螺紋應(yīng)完整、光潔,螺母與吊桿絲扣應(yīng)咬合緊密。吊桿加長可采用吊桿端頭螺紋或通絲連接延長吊桿長度,當(dāng)使用內(nèi)絲套簡螺母連接時(shí),套筒長度不應(yīng)小于吊桿直徑的4 倍,套筒兩端應(yīng)采取防松動措施。

  The suspension rod should be straight, the threads should be complete and smooth, and the nut and suspension rod thread should be tightly engaged. The extension of the suspension rod can be achieved by using threaded or threaded connections at the end of the rod. When using internal thread sleeve nuts for connection, the length of the sleeve should not be less than 4 times the diameter of the suspension rod, and anti loosening measures should be taken at both ends of the sleeve.

  4 采用通絲桿時(shí),通絲桿不應(yīng)直接安裝在內(nèi)脹錨固螺栓上鍍鋅通絲桿不應(yīng)采用焊接方式延長長度。采管安裝支吊架選用。

  When using a threaded rod, the threaded rod should not be directly installed on the internal expansion anchor bolt. Galvanized threaded rods should not be extended in length by welding. Selection of support and hanger for pipeline installation.


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